Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Lab 36

Lab 36

Q Question 1 1 / 1 pts (Q001) A collection of skeletal remains has just been unearthed at a crime scene. You have been asked to help law enforcement officials in their investigation of this skeletal material. Refer to the mystery assemblage in the Lab 7 Exercise Image Library on p. 224 of your lab manual to answer the following questions. Is any of this skeletal material nonhuman? If so, which bone(s) is/are nonhuman? Why do you think this? Question 2 1 / 1 pts (Q002) List all of the human skeletal elements, being as specific as possible. What is the minimum number of individuals (MNI) represented? Your Answer: Question 3 0 / 1 pts (Q003) Does any of the skeletal material appear to be juvenile? If so, which bone(s)? Why do you think this?

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1.Your Answer: A. Human skull B. Nonhuman skull (Pteropus poliocephalus skull) C. Junior human skull D.Adult Lumbar vertebrae E. Adult First rib F. Adult Second rib G. Adult articular facet of rib tubercle H. Adult Scapula I. Adult Femur If I have a closer look or 360 views I would be able to mention more characteristics about these individuals. 2.Your Answer: Minimum # of individuals that could be represented by the skeletal elements recovered 1. are there any bones that are unique in the human body? 2. are there any bones that are from the same side of the body? 3. can you match any of the bones to the same indiv?